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"Alma" signifies "nourishing" or "kind". It is derived from the Latin word "alma," which translates to "soul" or "nurturing." The word conveys the idea of providing sustenance and care. It embodies the essence of fostering growth, support, and nourishment for the development and well-being.


ALMA CENTER is a NGO and located and registered in Oslo Norway, specialised in research and educational projects.  We aim to enhance the economic and social cohesion of Nordic and European societies and our goal is to find solutions to the social and economic challenges, and maximise the impact to the society.


Our philosophy in order to achieve these goals is based on co-creation and partnerships. The engagement of stakeholders from industry, academia and society is aiming to create links between the businesses, educational institutions and the governmental actors in order to develop a combination of knowledge, competencies, awareness and consciousness. 

Our mission is to create value and maximise the impact to society through the development and implementation of research and educational projects related to mental health, learning and development, employment, youth, women and wellbeing of minority groups.

We thrive for creativity, change, inclusion, awareness and consciousness and we foster innovative thinking, enhanced communication, cooperation and partnerships in Nordic and European societies.


Our Services:

We do development, coordination, implementation and dissemination for National, Nordic and European projects. With our board of advisors and our network of partners we ensure strong knowledge and competences in the topics and thematic areas related to mental health, learning and development, employment, youth & women empowerment and social inclusion & wellbeing of minority groups.

Our areas of contribution:

🔹 Mental Health and Wellbeing: Projects that will raise awareness, promote the importance of mental health and Wellbeing and offer tools and access to resources and services for everyone, especially vulnerable groups who are often at risk of marginalisation and social exclusion.

🔹 Learning and Informal Education: Projects focusing on development of educational materials, training activities and practice-driven courses for educators and trainers, and adult and youth learners.

🔹 Employment: Projects focusing on enhancing the employment of the people who at the margin of society with fewer      opportunities including NEET, youth, migrants, and adults with learning difficulties or other disabilities.

🔹 Youth: Projects focusing on personal and interpersonal skills that can empower young people as well as employment and entrepreneurial skills that can help their employment situation and can be acquired through informal education.

🔹 Women: Projects focusing on personal and interpersonal skills that can empower women as well as employment and vocational skills that can help their employment situation and can be acquired through informal education.

🔹 Autism: Projects focusing on enhancing independence and inclusion of people with autism and learning difficulties, and developing training activities and best practice educational materials for educators, trainers and parents. 

🔹 Social Inclusion: Projects focusing on improving the paths of participation in society, particularly for people who are      disadvantaged, through enhancing opportunities, access to resources, employment, voice and respect for rights.


Are you looking for a partner for Nordic or European projects? Please get in touch!

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